Hometown Hero / by Guest User

Fate sometimes put you across the table from people you aren’t expecting. One evening at a Richmond dive bar’s open mic, this happened — and the interaction taught me something invaluable — we are all human.

Whether someone is famed under spotlit neons or stooped in the salt of the earth, just getting by, every human has something in common. We all have experienced the blissful highs of life, and conversely, its gut wrenching lows. Everyone has experienced this ebb and flow, and it’s a common ground for deep connection.

At that dive bar, and in that moment, I didn’t have the words — but I felt compelled to listen well. I wanted this person to know that I was present there with them, and that they were not alone. This song is a response to that encounter, and it’s a call for all of us to listen a little more and speak a lot less.